
An ESP32 based Arduino board

Primary LanguageC++

XDev32 Arduino Library

A comprehensive Arduino library for the XDev32 development board based on ESP32. This library provides easy-to-use interfaces for various onboard sensors and components.


  • Button input handling with debounce
  • RGB LED control (WS2812B)
  • Environmental sensors:
    • VEML6030 ambient light sensor
    • MPU6050 6-axis motion tracking
    • Temperature and humidity monitoring
  • WiFi and MQTT connectivity support
  • ThingsBoard IoT platform integration


Arduino IDE

  1. Download this repository as ZIP
  2. Open Arduino IDE
  3. Go to Sketch > Include Library > Add .ZIP Library
  4. Select the downloaded ZIP file


Add this to your platformio.ini:

lib_deps = 