
Deckschrubber inspects images of a Docker Registry and removes those older than a given age. :high_brightness::ship:

Primary LanguageGoGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0


n. person responsible for scrubbing a ship's deck.

Go Report Card License

Deckschrubber inspects images of a Docker Registry and removes those older than a given age.

Quick Start

go get github.com/fraunhoferfokus/deckschrubber

Why this?

We run our own private registry on a server with limited storage and it was only a question of time, until it was full! Although there are similar approaches to do Docker registry house keeping (in Python, Ruby, etc), a native module (using Docker's own packages) was missing. This module has the following advantages:

  • Is binary!: No runtime, Python, Ruby, etc. is required
  • Uses Docker API: same packages and modules used to relaze Docker registry are used here


-v    shows version and quits
      run in debug mode
      does not actually deletes
-registry string
      URL of registry (default "http://localhost:5000")
-username string
      username for docker login
-password string
      password for docker login
      promote user to enter docker login password; If specified will ignore `-password`
      ignore https verification error
      matching repositories by name (allows mulitple value seperates by ,); If specified will ignore `-repo_regexp`
-repo_regexp string
      matching repositories (allows regexp) (default ".*")
-max_repos int
      max nubmer of repositories to garbage collect (default to no limit)
-tag_regexp string
      matching tags (allows regexp) (default ".*")
-latest int
      number of the latest matching images of an repository that won't be deleted (default 1)
-year int
      max age in years
-month int
      max age in months
-day int
      max age in days


  • Remove all images older than 2 months and 2 days
$GOPATH/bin/deckschrubber -month 2 -day 2
  • Remove these images older than 1 year from http://myrepo:5000
$GOPATH/bin/deckschrubber -year 1 -registry http://myrepo:5000 -repos myproject/myimage,myproject/otherimage -username myself -password mypwd
  • Remove all images of each repository except the 3 latest ones
$GOPATH/bin/deckschrubber -latest 3 
  • Remove all images with tags that ends with '-SNAPSHOT'
$GOPATH/bin/deckschrubber -tag_regexp ^.*-SNAPSHOT$