

CoocaChina opened this issue · 2 comments

"error": "StatementCallback; bad SQL grammar [SELECT * FROM Equipment WHERE ( barCode IN ( 'lb1649400074854' ) OR RFID IN ( ) OR nfc IN ( ) OR recorderCode IN ( ) )]; nested exception is java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ') OR nfc IN ( ) OR recorderCode IN ( ) )' at line 1",

最终还是没支持拼接 IN (''), 和标准SQL有区别。 用sqli API的时候,主要是为了业务层自动过滤掉null, "", " "等。如果加上了, 就违背了API的初始目标。解决方案是增加了IN 过滤 [""] 里面的""。