
Vim mode

clouedoc opened this issue ยท 9 comments

Hi, your Golang playground is nice!

Would you consider adding support for Vim keybindings as an option to add in the settings menu?

@clouedoc I would definitely consider researching this! Also looking forward for contributions from community.

Afaik there is a VScode plugin for vim mode. Probably its a good place to start researching.

https://github.com/brijeshb42/monaco-vim - thoughts on testing this out and including it as a package dependency? Will test out locally

@fow5040 I'll take a look, thanks

FYI - I did test it out and it seems to play nicely/not conflict with the go-playground instance of monaco editor. Obviously there's a cleaner way to do this but it seems to work just fine:

            this.vimMode = initVimMode(

I'll hold off on any further development - thanks a ton for looking into this!

@fow5040 thank you for pointing out to this lib. My implementation will be a bit more complex because I want to display vim status in the bottom status bar (like vscodevim does) and less DOM-coupled.

@fow5040 looks like I finished it. Had to add a lot of glue code on top of lib's glue code (because this lib is basically a big adapter on top of another lib) so I'm not 100% sure about stability.

I have other few things to do before shipping a new release, but it will be shipped in v1.11 soon.

Can I ask you to try to test the latest master branch locally?


Gladly, thanks a ton!

Will test more later and tommorrow - for the most part it works fantastically! A few minor notes (and a nitpick)


  • Statusbar commands (i.e. :%s/foo/bar/g) are not dismissed upon pressing enter, unlike regular vim. Workaround is to press ESC after each command, but if easily fixable that would be ideal
    • Note: this only happens if a command succeeds. If a command fails, the window errors red and continues like normal.
  • :reg (and I assume other commands that open a window/buffer) can't really be rendered on the small status bar. The Visual Studio Code vim plugin instead renders these in the command omnibar. I don't know of a good workaround for this, but as this is just a go playground I don't think this is a huge issue
  • Shift+L, Shift M, and Shift+H error out, but I personally don't use these very often


  • I would reword this: Allows to use Vim key bindings when editing to this Allows usage of Vim key bindings when editing

Lastly, I managed to abuse the vim plugin for a while and somehow got my editor into a "call stack exceeded" state where the whole editor stopped responding. Unclear if this was because of the vim plugin or some other sort of abuse I did, but I haven't been able to reproduce. Probably a symptom of gluing, and not a huge issue

As a disclaimer, while I work in vim most of the day, I am by no means a vim guru. Here are a handful of things I did test that seem to be working fine:

  • General movement
  • Visual, Visual Block mode + yank
  • Vertical Typing (Visual Block + Shift i)
  • Search (and replace)
  • Registers (except for the visual issue when displaying via :reg)
  • Marks, i.e. m a ' a
  • Yank between symbols, i.e. yi" or yi(
  • Ctrl+A number increment (why is this a thing? I don't know)
  • Undo + Redo (99u works fine, impressive!)

All in all, considering this is a go playground and not necessarily a full fledged IDE, I think the state of the vim plugin is entirely usable in its current state (especially considering it's not enabled by default).

@fow5040 thank you for feedback. I'll add a fix for search and registry commands.

Unfortunately currently I can just implement a :reg command readable output to status bar because I can't find any documentation regarding omnibar on monaco editor.


Maybe later I'll implement some better solution.