A simple dart web ui component which provides a autocomplete input text field. (To autocomplete a single value)
Currently it is nothing more than a POC which can display a auto complete field for a text input with a static list of strings.
Checkout an example at http://hpoul.github.com/dart-autocomplete-ui/examples/example.html
Take a look at the example - the basic idea is that you simply include the web component:
<link rel="import" href="lib/input_autocomplete.html">
and then include the input autocompletion whereever you want:
<tapo-input-autocomplete choices="{{exampleData.autocompleteChoices}}">
example dart code:
var exampleData = new ExampleData();
class ExampleData {
List<String> get autocompleteChoices {
return ['Test 1', 'Test 2', 'Misc', 'Abcdef', 'Haha'];
It is also possible to use a custom datasource as well as a custom renderer. See the classes AutocompleteDatasource and AutocompleteChoiceRenderer for more details.
TODO write documentation.
- Support for lazy loading of choices
- Support for object choices (which have a separate key / label attribute)
- Support for formatting of choices (however this can work? the coolest would be to provide html fragments inside the tag)
- Helper methods to create a multi-value input (like input for tags)