

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Hi there, it is more a how to question...
I have created a tenant on your https://flexdemo.xbim-dev.net/ and I have uploaded some files. however, I could no find a way to federate files on this demo. Do you have this feature available on your demo? I ask you that because you say the following on the github:
"Load multiple Wexbim models into a single scene (Federation)"
Thanks for your help.

PS. I am asking here because I did not find a place to ask there.

Hi @pml1711. The demo is meant just as a starter. You just need to load all the models in a single viewer instance.

If you upload models with the same AssetName it will treat them as a federated set - and federate in the 3D viewer.

Normally you'd have the ability to choose an existing parent for the models, but this demo is keeping things simple.