Q: How to add particles?
A: Its very simple. When you place a chest on top of the block you set in crates.yml the plugin will automatically add its coordinates to the blocks.yml file. You will just need to restart the server for the particles to show.
Q: How to remove the particles?
A: Just destroy the chest whose particles you want to remove. Restart the server and the particles will be removed.
Q: Will the crates have floating text above them?
A: Yes, they will have Floating Text.
Q: Can I edit the floating text that appears above the crate?
A: Yes you can. Navigate to blocks.yml and edit the crate text you see. For example, you want to edit the floating text of legendary crate then there would be a key\heading of legendary: in the blocks.yml file. Edit the text after the : to edit\change the floating text.
Q: I found a issue in the plugin what do I do?
A: Please open an issue here and give as much detail as possible.
Q: I would like a new feature to be added. How do I report?
A: Enter the feature in #34. Give as much detail as possible and I will see what I can come up with.
Q: What to do with the blocks.yml file?
A: You need not to do anything with it unless you want to edit the floatiing text. The plugin automatically generates stuff within the file to make the setup for the user easier.
Commands and Permissions
Crate Key
/key [type] [player] [amount]
Use a crate
Destroy a crate
Create a crate
Add basic particles.
Add floating text above the crate(s).
Add ability to execute commands as a reward.
Add custom lore to the rewards.
Finish working on commands.
Add custom crates.ymlto declare custom items to be given to players.
Make setup a bit easier.
Make it so that not random items are generated in all the slots as discussed #1