
idea: add password strength checker

kamiloox opened this issue · 1 comments

Users store passwords in your app. They are only managing them. But it could be a nice feature to have a password strength checker. If user inputs a password you might say to a user that the password is vulnerable. Somebody might have a really easy-to-break password and you could suggest changing it.

It might be a challenging feature request but I believe users will appreciate this feature. Seriously, hardly anyone really knows about their password strength.

I suggest using a regex to check if the password meets some criteria. Maybe even could exist a java library that could simplify the idea. Try to do your best. Users will really value this work.

I am happy to inform that this feature will be added in next update!

Here is a little preview:

Case 1: No password


Case 2: Weak password


Case 3: Medium password


Case 4: Strong password


I hope it is what you have expected!