
Wrong page locations?

Closed this issue · 6 comments

I've just tried to install this and after the installer, it tries to go to domain.abc/signin which doesn't exist and then if I go to the homepage it sends to me domain.abc/home

Have I done anything incorrectly?

Hey, did you enter all the Details in the installer correctly? It would be nice if you could share more details with me.
If possible, send me the config.php, as well as your domain (or subfolder, like domain.abc/subfolder if there's one).
I will try to assist you :)

Thanks a lot! :D
If nothing looks out of place, I can email you the connection details, its on a throw-away-box.

Domain (stored in the root):


// config.php - Mononoke

/* General configuration */

$config["name"] = "SakuraChill"; // Name that will be shown in Title and menu (if no picture)
$config["picture"] = ""; // Picure that will be shown in menu (leave empty for name only)
$config["url"] = "https://sakurachill.com/"; // Full URL to page, needs to end with a slash!
$config["theme"] = "1"; // Default Theme - Located in /scripts/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.[theme].css
$config["registration"] = true; // true = people can signup, false = people can't
$config["email"] = ""; // Contact eMail (leave blank for none)
$config["private"] = false; // true = you need to be logged in, false = everyone can view Anime etc.
$config["cookie"] = "sakurachill_"; // Cookie prefix, you SHOULD change this! Should end with underscore_
$config["domain"] = "sakurachill.com"; // For cookies, the domain only, no https and folder
$config["lang"] = "en-us"; // Languages are located in /langs/

/* MySQL configuration */

$slave["host"] = "localhost"; // MySQL Host
$slave["user"] = "sql_user89879"; // Username for MySQL
$slave["pass"] = "2879784gfsd"; // Password for User
$slave["tale"] = ""; // MySQL Table

I see that $slave["tale"] is not filled out. This is the MySQL Table name.
Also, You do have .htaccess enabled, right?
Also, if possible, do you have some kind of error log? I know if you're hosting on Flaunt7, there should be an error_log in the webroot.

I have tried now installing myself with Flaunt7 (I assume that’s your webhost).

I recommend doing one thing: Deleting the htaccess file and re-uploading it. Also, if you’re in the cPanel, search for “MultiPHP” or so, and then set the PHP version to “ea-php74” (or something like that, NOT alt-smth).

If still nothing helps, please contact me via Discord for a much faster communication: https://discord.gg/uahG2fKVvg (channel #mononoke)

...hello? @orophix ? You still have this issue?

problem shoult be fixed in next version