
Mac Layout Issue

Blackglade opened this issue · 8 comments

I installed this awesome theme on my Mumble OSX Client and there is a bit of an issue...

Nothing too major but the weird (slightly ugly) gradient top bar doesn't go away!

Any Fix?


I don't have OSX myself so this is hard for me to test.

Knowing QT skinning, this is probably something I can't fix like I would like to.
I did a small fix to at least have the toolbar transparent so it'll look normal. Try downloading the latest source, let me know if it helped.

Well it definitely looks much better! Thanks for the help!

Cheers :)
Not 100% pleased with the result though, and I'm pretty sure if you'll press the mute button it'll look funky...
I can only suggest using the lite theme on OSX, but at least it's somewhat passable. Leaving this open for now anyway.

Hey, I've found a possible solution on the qt bug reports.

Please let me know if the bar is now colored properly!

Unfortunatly... I don't think it made the difference :(


After looking around, it seems this issue can't be solved as far as the skin is concerned.
QSS alone simply doesn't allow to bypass QT's native menubar on OSX.

Mumble itself could add a way to bypass this from their side, perhaps an OSX-only checkbox in the options to choose between native menubar and QT menubars.

Otherwise, it's a QT issue and I can't fix it without breaking something else in the skin on another OS...

It's quite alright, I appreciate the effort! Would you mind then reverting the repo back to the original OSX fix your proposed which was backing the background transparent?

Most of the effort was googling and cussing QT, which is a normal day really :)

As I said, it breaks the toolbar on non-OSX clients (when dragging and dropping), so i added a separate qss file for OSX users, which will do for now.