
keycode -1, thanks

Closed this issue · 3 comments

gshmu commented

exec keycode
the keycode -1 will better.

Execute key event 27, the terminal show 26, and it should be 26. and add the power key will better.

Hi, you mean just to make it visible as real keyevent number ?

gshmu commented

yes, just start-with 0.

and how do you think about VNC, FPS is really slow.

I know that FPS is slow, but the purpose of this project was to get rid of Client and access phone, even when you cannot install anything on your device.
IMO there are a lot of android VNCs on Play Market now - you can try any.

I'll think about changing numeration, but fortunately, I don't have enough time now due to my study and main work, but you can try to fork code and change it on your own.