
IO Exception happened while getting device screenshot

Opened this issue · 11 comments

lesca commented

I got tons of error messages as below:

[ScreenCaptureRunnable.java:58]2017-08-21 00:56:57,952 [Screen Capturer] �[31mWARN �[0;39m com.github.xsavikx.androidscreencast.api.injector.ScreenCaptureRunnable - IO Exception happened while getting device screenshot. Will try again in 100 ms.
[ScreenCaptureRunnable.java:87]2017-08-21 00:56:58,062 [Screen Capturer] �[34mINFO �[0;39m com.github.xsavikx.androidscreencast.api.injector.ScreenCaptureRunnable - Failed to get device screenshot

They are just repeated again and again.

Platform is Android-x86 running in Hyper-V VM hosting on WS2016.

It's appreciated if you give me some advises to solve this.

@lesca Hi, are you able to get a screenshot via adb directly?

I haven't tested the app against any VMs.

lesca commented

@xSAVIKx What's the command to take screenshot with "adb" ? I'd like to have a try.

To get screenshot via adb
adb shell screencap /sdcard/screen.png && adb pull /sdcard/screen.png

@xSAVIKx Hi, i get this problem for AndroidScreencast 0.0.13s on Win7 wiht JDK 13.0.1

 [ScreenCaptureRunnable.java:58]2019-11-24 14:22:43,775 [Screen Capturer]     �[31mWARN �[0;39m com.github.xsavikx.androidscreencast.api.injector.ScreenCaptureRunnable - IO Exception happened while getting device screenshot. Will try again in 100 ms.
 [ScreenCaptureRunnable.java:87]2019-11-24 14:22:43,876 [Screen Capturer]     �[34mINFO �[0;39m com.github.xsavikx.androidscreencast.api.injector.ScreenCaptureRunnable - Failed to get device screenshot

This warning shows in console around one/two times per second.

@4EPHblN do you have the AndroidScreencast.log file? There should be more detailed logs.
Also, can you try to grab the screenshot manually?

The other suggestion is to use Java8 instead.

I have the same warning on JDK 8u231.
Manually the screenshot grabs without any problems.
ASUS PC Link which use similar technology works fine.

@4EPHblN yeah, the logs were not helpful here :-( Can you please try the new v0.0.16s version? I've updated some dependencies and the logs should be more reliable now.

@xSAVIKx You link shows 404.

Yeah, looks like draft releases are not publicly available :-(

Here are the bundles.

An update solves this issue for me.

@4EPHblN that's great to hear! I've also released this version and it's now available here.