
Failed to get device screenshot - Pixel 2 XL

Closed this issue · 23 comments

Hi there.

First off, I absolutely love this project. I really appreciate the work you've put into it.

I was using it on a Pixel XL (updated to 8.0) up until yesterday, and it was working fine. Then, however, I switched to a Pixel 2 XL, and the following happens...

If I set the screensize manually (to ), I get:

14:04:12 [Screen Capturer] INFO ScreenCaptureRunnable - Failed to get device screenshot 02:04:13 E/Screenshot: Unsupported protocol: 2 14:04:13 [Screen Capturer] INFO ScreenCaptureRunnable - Failed to get device screenshot 02:04:13 E/Screenshot: Unsupported protocol: 2 14:04:13 [Screen Capturer] INFO ScreenCaptureRunnable - Failed to get device screenshot 02:04:13 E/Screenshot: Unsupported protocol: 2 14:04:13 [Screen Capturer] INFO ScreenCaptureRunnable - Failed to get device screenshot 02:04:13 E/Screenshot: Unsupported protocol: 2 14:04:13 [Screen Capturer] INFO ScreenCaptureRunnable - Failed to get device screenshot 02:04:13 E/Screenshot: Unsupported protocol: 2 14:04:13 [Screen Capturer] INFO ScreenCaptureRunnable - Failed to get device screenshot 02:04:13 E/Screenshot: Unsupported protocol: 2 14:04:13 [Screen Capturer] INFO ScreenCaptureRunnable - Failed to get device screenshot 02:04:13 E/Screenshot: Unsupported protocol: 2 14:04:13 [Screen Capturer] INFO ScreenCaptureRunnable - Failed to get device screenshot 02:04:13 E/Screenshot: Unsupported protocol: 2 14:04:13 [Screen Capturer] INFO ScreenCaptureRunnable - Failed to get device screenshot 14:04:14 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO AndroidScreencastApplication - Stopping application 14:04:14 [Screen Capturer] WARN ScreenCaptureRunnable - IO Exception happened while getting device screenshot. Will try again in 100 ms. 14:04:14 [Screen Capturer] INFO ScreenCaptureRunnable - Failed to get device screenshot 14:04:14 [Screen Capturer] INFO ScreenCaptureRunnable - Stopping screen capturing 14:04:15 [Thread-1] INFO AndroidScreencastApplication - Stopping application

If I leave the screen size undefined (not set in app.properties) I get:

14:05:29 [Screen Capturer] INFO ScreenCaptureRunnable - Failed to get device screenshot 14:05:29 [Screen Capturer] WARN ScreenCaptureRunnable - ADB Command was rejected. Will try again in 100 ms. 14:05:29 [Screen Capturer] INFO ScreenCaptureRunnable - Failed to get device screenshot 14:05:29 [Screen Capturer] WARN ScreenCaptureRunnable - ADB Command was rejected. Will try again in 100 ms. 14:05:29 [Screen Capturer] INFO ScreenCaptureRunnable - Failed to get device screenshot 14:05:29 [Screen Capturer] WARN ScreenCaptureRunnable - ADB Command was rejected. Will try again in 100 ms. 14:05:29 [Screen Capturer] INFO ScreenCaptureRunnable - Failed to get device screenshot 14:05:29 [Screen Capturer] WARN ScreenCaptureRunnable - ADB Command was rejected. Will try again in 100 ms. 14:05:29 [Screen Capturer] INFO ScreenCaptureRunnable - Failed to get device screenshot 14:05:29 [Screen Capturer] WARN ScreenCaptureRunnable - ADB Command was rejected. Will try again in 100 ms. 14:05:29 [Screen Capturer] INFO ScreenCaptureRunnable - Failed to get device screenshot 14:05:29 [Screen Capturer] WARN ScreenCaptureRunnable - ADB Command was rejected. Will try again in 100 ms. 14:05:30 [Screen Capturer] INFO ScreenCaptureRunnable - Failed to get device screenshot 14:05:30 [Screen Capturer] WARN ScreenCaptureRunnable - ADB Command was rejected. Will try again in 100 ms.

Controls via buttons still work...it's just the screenshot capability which isn't.

Any ideas how to fix?


Also, just an fyi...I did try adb shell screencap /sdcard/screen.png && adb pull /sdcard/screen.png, and was able to pull a screenshot successfully.

I've tried using your provided adb, and I've also tried using adb downloaded with the SDK.

I'm currently using adb 1.0.39, which is included with the latest downloads via SDK Manager (see below).

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance.
10:26:58 [Screen Capturer] INFO ScreenCaptureRunnable - Failed to get device screenshot 10:26:58 E/Screenshot: Unsupported protocol: 2 10:26:58 [Screen Capturer] INFO ScreenCaptureRunnable - Failed to get device screenshot 10:26:58 E/Screenshot: Unsupported protocol: 2 10:26:58 [Screen Capturer] INFO ScreenCaptureRunnable - Failed to get device screenshot 10:26:59 E/Screenshot: Unsupported protocol: 2 10:26:59 [Screen Capturer] INFO ScreenCaptureRunnable - Failed to get device screenshot 10:26:59 E/Screenshot: Unsupported protocol: 2 10:26:59 [Screen Capturer] INFO ScreenCaptureRunnable - Failed to get device screenshot 10:26:59 E/Screenshot: Unsupported protocol: 2 10:26:59 [Screen Capturer] INFO ScreenCaptureRunnable - Failed to get device screenshot 10:26:59 E/Screenshot: Unsupported protocol: 2 10:26:59 [Screen Capturer] INFO ScreenCaptureRunnable - Failed to get device screenshot 10:26:59 E/Screenshot: Unsupported protocol: 2 10:26:59 [Screen Capturer] INFO ScreenCaptureRunnable - Failed to get device screenshot 10:26:59 E/Screenshot: Unsupported protocol: 2 10:26:59 [Screen Capturer] INFO ScreenCaptureRunnable - Failed to get device screenshot 10:26:59 E/Screenshot: Unsupported protocol: 2 10:26:59 [Screen Capturer] INFO ScreenCaptureRunnable - Failed to get device screenshot 10:26:59 E/Screenshot: Unsupported protocol: 2 10:26:59 [Screen Capturer] INFO ScreenCaptureRunnable - Failed to get device screenshot ^C10:26:59 [Thread-1] INFO AndroidScreencastApplication - Stopping application 10:26:59 [Screen Capturer] WARN ScreenCaptureRunnable - IO Exception happened while getting device screenshot. Will try again in 100 ms. 10:26:59 [Thread-1] INFO AndroidScreencastApplication - Stopping application ➜ androidscreencast-0.0.10s grep adb app.properties adb.path=/home/username/Android/Sdk/platform-tools/adb #adb.path=./adb #adb.device.timeout=30 #maximum time to execute adb command (in seconds) #adb.command.timeout=5 ➜ androidscreencast-0.0.10s /home/username/Android/Sdk/platform-tools/adb version Android Debug Bridge version 1.0.39 Revision 3db08f2c6889-android Installed as /home/username/Android/Sdk/platform-tools/adb

@jbwiv Actually right now I have no idea why it could fail :-(

I suppose something has changed with the protocol, but AFAIK ddmlib - the library that is used by the app is not yet updated (actually the last update was in march)

How can you track what ddmlib makes it into production?
I created my own implementation of AdbHelper's getFrameBuffer and overrode the value returned from buf.getInt() to be set to either 1 or 16 (the only protocol versions supported per RawImage.readHeader) but neither version did the trick...though I was able to get past that error I quickly hit other errors downstream.

So it appears the protocol really must have changed or the ddm jar downloaded with the project is too old. I'll explore new jars next. Thanks.

@jbwiv ddmlib should be part of the Android OSP. I've used the latest version available from the official Maven Repository, but, maybe, it could be built from sources.

@jbwiv there is kind of a hell within AOSP git repository, but even with glance look, I can see, that there were lots of changes to the ddmlib part since latest maven release. Maybe it's possible to compile from source

Ok, I'll look into what it takes to do that. Thanks!

I'll let you know.

Using ddmlib 26.0.0 bundled with the Android SDK tools worked for me.


Interesting...trying with 26.0.0 gives me:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/android/ddmlib/TimeoutException at com.github.xsavikx.androidscreencast.api.injector.ScreenCaptureRunnable_Factory.get(ScreenCaptureRunnable_Factory.java:27) at com.github.xsavikx.androidscreencast.api.injector.ScreenCaptureRunnable_Factory.get(ScreenCaptureRunnable_Factory.java:8) at dagger.internal.DoubleCheck.get(DoubleCheck.java:47) at com.github.xsavikx.androidscreencast.api.injector.Injector_Factory.get(Injector_Factory.java:21) at com.github.xsavikx.androidscreencast.api.injector.Injector_Factory.get(Injector_Factory.java:7) at dagger.internal.DoubleCheck.get(DoubleCheck.java:47) at com.github.xsavikx.androidscreencast.app.AndroidScreencastApplication_Factory.get(AndroidScreencastApplication_Factory.java:59) at com.github.xsavikx.androidscreencast.app.AndroidScreencastApplication_Factory.get(AndroidScreencastApplication_Factory.java:14) at dagger.internal.DoubleCheck.get(DoubleCheck.java:47) at com.github.xsavikx.androidscreencast.dagger.AppModule_ApplicationFactory.get(AppModule_ApplicationFactory.java:25) at com.github.xsavikx.androidscreencast.dagger.AppModule_ApplicationFactory.get(AppModule_ApplicationFactory.java:10) at dagger.internal.DoubleCheck.get(DoubleCheck.java:47) at com.github.xsavikx.androidscreencast.dagger.DaggerMainComponent.application(DaggerMainComponent.java:267) at com.github.xsavikx.androidscreencast.Main.main(Main.java:16) Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.android.ddmlib.TimeoutException at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(URLClassLoader.java:381) at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:424) at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Launcher.java:335) at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:357) ... 14 more

@devint1 did you modify the source to work around this?

Sorry, never mind. I had to mvn install-file the jar to get it to work. Can confirm ddmlib 26.0.0 fixes the issue. Thanks!

Thank you for solution guys. I had the same issue. It's fixed now.
To help others: One can download the entire 26 sdk with ddmlib-26.0.0-dev.jar included here: https://chromium.googlesource.com/android_tools/+archive/HEAD/sdk.tar.gz
As for now max available version of Android SDK Tools in android repo is 25.2.5
When version 26.0.0 gets available, problem will gone naturally.

I also made it work by updating ddmlib to 26.0.0-dev. Edited CLI history:

$ java -version
openjdk version "1.8.0_144"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_144-b01)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.144-b01, mixed mode)
$ curl -L https://chromium.googlesource.com/android_tools/+archive/HEAD/sdk.tar.gz | tar -xvzf - tools/lib/ddmlib-26.0.0-dev.jar
$ git diff -U1 pom.xml
diff --git a/pom.xml b/pom.xml
index 669f439..b76a7ea 100644
--- a/pom.xml
+++ b/pom.xml
@@ -10,3 +10,3 @@
-        <ddmlib.version>25.3.0</ddmlib.version>
+        <ddmlib.version>26.0.0-dev</ddmlib.version>
$ bash mvnw install:install-file -Dfile=tools/lib/ddmlib-26.0.0-dev.jar -Dversion=26.0.0-dev -DgroupId=com.android.tools.ddms -DartifactId=ddmlib -Dpackaging=jar
$ bash mvnw install
$ java -jar target/androidscreencast-0.0.11s-SNAPSHOT-executable.jar

@mc-android-developer, I am downloaded it. Now how to use it. What steps I have to follow?
Could you please guide me.

download :https://chromium.googlesource.com/android_tools/+archive/HEAD/sdk.tar.gz

Android 6.0 does not work .........

artig commented

Unable to take screenshot Nexus5X Android 8.1

I tried with ddmlib 26.0.0 but it is not working for me.
Also, I have overridden the tool/lib with the above. Still it is not working.

Getting the below error on the terminal:
E/Screenshot: Unsupported protocol: 2

And on UiAutomatorViewer getting the below error:
Unexpected error while obtaining UI hierarchy

Any ideas how to fix?
Thank you in advance

@artig what version of the app do you use?

@StayZeal what version of the app do you use? Have you tried the latest one with the updated ddmlib version inside?

Unable to take screenshot Nexus5X Android 8.1

I tried with ddmlib 26.0.0 but it is not working for me.
Also, I have overridden the tool/lib with the above. Still it is not working.

Getting the below error on the terminal:
E/Screenshot: Unsupported protocol: 2

And on UiAutomatorViewer getting the below error:
Unexpected error while obtaining UI hierarchy

Any ideas how to fix?
Thank you in advance


I was facing same problem on my real device, but now I have resolved my problem.
When I was facing this problem, at that time I was using Android SDK Tools with version 25.0.0 and SDK platform with version Android 10.0(Q).
So I have updated my SDK Tools version to 26.1.1 and also I got switched to SDK Platform Android 8.1(Oreo). These steps solved my problem now I am able to take screenshot on uiautomatorviewer.
I have updated SDK Tools and SDK platform using Android studio.
Please check if these steps can help you to solve your problem.

Hi @Mayuresh92. Thanks for your comment. Have you tried the latest versions of the app? I believe we're already using newer versions of both ddmlib and platform tools

Hi @Mayuresh92. Thanks for your comment. Have you tried the latest versions of the app? I believe we're already using newer versions of both ddmlib and platform tools


I have been using Platform-Tools with version 29.0.0
My android version is 10
and using ddmlib-26.0.0-dev