
Could you provide Text, which is drawn next to the icon?

JST2018 opened this issue · 6 comments

Hey thank, you for your little RecyclerViewDecorator.

Is it possible to provide Text, which is drawn next to the icon, for example delete next to trashbin?


Thanks for the feature request!
I'm working on it and will release an update soon.

@JST2018 did it solve your problem?

Sorry for the delayed answer. In my project nothing happened until now. It looks promising, so I will try it.

Ok, let me know if it closes the issue.

Hi there,
looks nice but I can't get the label text color to white. And what is the argument unit in this method: setSwipeLeftLabelTextSize(int unit, float size)?

The unit parameter is a TypedValue like in TextVIew.setTextSize, e.g. TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_SP
The text color should be set correctly, have a look at the sample app, can you show me your code?