
getting an exception in ios

Closed this issue · 3 comments

System.MissingMethodException: Method 'UITabBarItem.set_BadgeColor' not found.

getting this exception when trying to run this on IOS
(on android its working fine.)

have any ideas?


xabre commented

This looks like a linker issue. You might need to update your linker please include file in your ios project.

add these lines to you LinkerPleaseInclude.cs

public void Include(UITabBarItem item)
            item.BadgeColor = UIColor.Red;

Xamarin linker tends to strip out properties/methods/events that are not directly/statically referenced by your code.

i think it was the problem
but after i update it I cant check it on my mac because it says the its not update but i update my mac as well and my xamarin there is up to date
have any idea?

xabre commented

Is this still an issue?