
Feature Request: Capture replies

Closed this issue · 2 comments

This is a great tool. Thank you!

Have you considered an option to captures replies to tweets along with the original tweet?

Yes, I've considered but i haven't tried developing. Maybe it can detect if tweet is a reply and perform different functions.

So that feature does not exist for now. It may come in the future. Thanks for the request.

Replies added as two different parts:
1- Show parent tweets
2- Show mentions

On second one, only the first replies are visible on mention count property because mention count might be too much, and "show more" function not supported on tweets for now.

Check the examples: https://github.com/Xacnio/tweetcapture#show-mentions-example

Version: 0.1.0 #15
Version: 0.1.1 #16