
SiriKitSample/TaksNotes is not showing UI

jhermsen opened this issue · 4 comments

The UI is not showing on the SirikitSample: https://github.com/xamarin/ios-samples/tree/master/ios11/SiriKitSample

The app is building without any issue/error to the device, but when the app starts the scree is just blank.

It appears to work for me on simulator.


Can you please attach build log / what version of the SDK / what version of the Xcode you are using. Does it work on device but not sim (or vice versa)?

Hadn't tried in in the sim yet, but sim does work and show the content. Also works using sim iPad Air 2 - 13.2.

But when I deploy it to an actual device iPad Air 2 - 13.2.3 it has a blank display.

In regards to versions:
XCode: 11.2.1
VS2019: 16.3.10
Xamarin IOS SDK:
Mono (Mac):

Debug output shows the following:
Loaded assembly: /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/469D205B-8BAA-4F1B-9F61-469ADFFCA0E2/TasksNotes.app/System.Core.dll [External] Loaded assembly: /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/469D205B-8BAA-4F1B-9F61-469ADFFCA0E2/TasksNotes.app/System.dll [External] Loaded assembly: /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/469D205B-8BAA-4F1B-9F61-469ADFFCA0E2/TasksNotes.app/System.Net.Http.dll [External] Loaded assembly: /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/469D205B-8BAA-4F1B-9F61-469ADFFCA0E2/TasksNotes.app/Xamarin.iOS.dll [External] Thread started: #2 Loaded assembly: /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/469D205B-8BAA-4F1B-9F61-469ADFFCA0E2/TasksNotes.app/TasksNotes.exe Resolved pending breakpoint at 'ViewController.cs:39,1' to void TasksNotes.ViewController.<>c.<ViewDidLoad>b__1_0 (Intents.INSiriAuthorizationStatus status) [0x0005a]. 2019-11-28 10:10:40.380 TasksNotes[316:3138932] SiriKit Authorized

After swapping to a provisioning profile w\ SiriKit enabled, I can confirm the white screen on device.

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