Pinned issues
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.NET 10 Preview Release Notes
#9571 opened by jpobst - 3
Using ClientCertificate with Android
#9611 opened by Pmr-precure - 1
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AndroidManifest not found with custom configurations
#9540 opened by LeoJHarris - 8
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[.NET8] SkipCompilerExecution=true causes the android sample project of AvaloniaUI main library to fail to run
#9499 opened by Jamlee - 6
Increased Runtime Duration for Java Functions in .NET Android Compared to Xamarin Android
#9601 opened by MrAlbin - 8
Building a Maui App for Android is extremely slow when EmbedAssembliesIntoApk is enabled (net9)
#9455 opened by AlexanderEgorov - 2
Unable to use RequestCallEndpointChange method
#9602 opened by yeahg-dev - 5
Improve XA0141 warning
#9544 opened by jpobst - 11
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Incremental build issue when adding Android resource
#9588 opened by jpobst - 9
MAUI - Access to the path .dll is denied
#9426 opened by vsfeedback - 6
Project Java.Interop.NamingCustomAttributes.projitems can't import, how can i fix it
#9487 opened by NRTnarathip - 4
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Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_NO_MATCHING_ABIS: Failed to extract native libraries, res=-113]
#9567 opened by JaneySprings - 0
SIGSEGV in mono_type_get_name_full
#9563 opened by TimBurik - 1
Unable to publish .net8-android App ' was not downloaded' (after Release of .NET9)
#9561 opened by monsterkeks - 1
`aapt2` fails for file paths containing umlauts
#9472 opened by vsfeedback - 1
Error while building MAUI project when using .NET 9.0 : System.UnauthorizedAccessException
#9564 opened by rahulshreebastav - 4
When publishing the App on it is rejected due to an error on Android
#9512 opened by branux - 2
Following up on [#9213](, The information provided in the comment is inaccurate, and this has caused us significant trouble.
#9530 opened by zuo99 - 1
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Failed resolution of: Landroidx/activity/OnBackPressedDispatcher$Api34Impl$createOnBackAnimationCallback$1; after updating to 8.0.91
#9428 opened by skolumban-ex - 8
Android application crashing when bitmap is changed multiple times.
#9510 opened by schaudhary-extron - 2
NullReferenceException in FastDeploy
#9514 opened by dotMorten - 27
[Media3] Attempting to create ExoPlayer instance crashes
#9535 opened by tipa - 2
Satellite assemblies for other locales than the default are not deployed when EmbedAssembliesIntoApk = true
#9532 opened by Cheesebaron - 2
Documentation Layout Binding
#9440 opened by christophechateau - 4
Profiling .NET MAUI Android Apps
#9439 opened by ShubhamSh04 - 7
AndroidPackagingOptionsInclude is ignored
#9520 opened by alexander-efremov - 0
Use precompiled DEX files to speed builds
#9534 opened by jpobst - 2
App stops/closes while on splash screen when debugging
#9511 opened by trampster - 1
Non-HTTPS URL redirect is not supported in a web view (android microsoft identity client msal)
#9522 opened by Swodah - 3
[AOT] Failure when the path to the temp folder contains accentuated characters and/or spaces
#9523 opened by jeromelaban - 0
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#9519 opened by christophechateau - 3
IOnApplyWindowInsetsListener problem with Android 15.
#9505 opened by gmck - 2
Docs on installing Android SDK on mac are obsolete
#9516 opened by rotanov - 0
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`D8` invocation doesn't use response files
#9515 opened by jpobst - 2
Binding libraries like Crashlytics use Throwable, which which leads to unusable logs
#9442 opened by DavidMarquezF - 1
Is there any way to use AntiAliasGridFit in .net android?
#9501 opened by ljzj2 - 19
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Add support for `dotnet test`
#9496 opened by jpobst - 0
Create explicit `$(AndroidEnableFastDeployment)` property
#9495 opened by jpobst - 8