
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Update 01/12/2023: for BERTScore evaluation, using transformers>4.17.0 will lead to different results as in the paper. If you have difficulty replicating the BERTScore results, please try downgrading to transformers<4.17.0. In my experiments I used transformers==3.1.0. For details please refer to shirley-wu#7


This repository is for our ACL2022 paper: Text-to-Table: A New Way of Information Extraction.


Training requires fairseq==v0.10.2, and evaluation requires sacrebleu==v2.0.0 bert_score==v0.3.11

Or you can directly install by pip install -r requirements.txt.

Note: to avoid potential incompatibility, your fairseq version should be exactly v0.10.2, and your python version should be <3.9


You can download the four datasets from Google Drive. If you are interested in preprocessing original table-to-text datasets into our text-to-table datasets, please check data_preprocessing.

For preprocessing, we use fairseq for BPE and binarization. You need to first download a BART model here, and then use scripts/preprocess.sh to preprocess the data. The script has two arguments: the first is the data path and the second is the bart model path, e.g.,

bash scripts/preprocess.sh data/rotowire/ bart.base/

then you'll have BPE-ed files under data/rotowire and binary files under data/rotowire/bins.


For each dataset, use scripts/dataset-name/train_vanilla.sh to train a vanilla seq2seq model, and use scripts/dataset-name/train_vanilla.sh to train a HAD model. The training scripts have two arguments: the first is the data path (NOTE: it's not the path to the binary files) and the second is the bart model path, e.g.,

bash scripts/rotowire/train_had.sh data/rotowire/ bart.base/

Additionally, for Rotowire and WikiTableText, the datasets are very small, so we run experiments with 5 seeds (1, 10, 20, 30, 40) and report the average numbers. Scripts under scripts/rotowire and scripts/wikitabletext have the seed as the third argument.

Rotowire and WikiBio experiments are run on 8 GPUs. E2E and WikiTableText experiments are run on 1 GPU.

You'll need GPUs that supports --fp16 (such as V100). If not, please remove the --fp16 option in the scripts.

Inference and Evaluation

For each dataset, use scripts/dataset-name/test_vanilla.sh to test with vanilla decoding, and use scripts/dataset-name/test_constraint.sh to test with table constraint. The test scripts have two arguments: the first is the data path and the second is the checkpoint path (by default it is where your saved checkpoint goes to), e.g.,

bash scripts/rotowire/test_constraint.sh data/rotowire/ 

Similar to training, you'll need GPUs that supports --fp16. If not, please remove --fp16 in the script.