
Error retrieving ID of template: json: cannot unmarshal object into Go struct field alias.childtemplates of type []interface {}

Closed this issue · 8 comments

This issue was originally opened by @1605200517 as hashicorp/terraform#23726. It was migrated here as a result of the provider split. The original body of the issue is below.

Terraform Version

Terraform v0.12.18
+ provider.cloudstack v0.3.0

Terraform Configuration Files

variable "compute_template" {
  default = "debian9.4 stretch BUILD-1946"

variable "path_to_ssh_key" {
  default = "~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub"

variable "ssh_keypair_name" {
  default = "foo1_ssh_key"

variable "compute_offering" {
  default = "XS Instanz"

variable "zone" {
  default = "Enterprise_Internet_Bi"

variable "acl_items" {
  default = [""]

variable "vpc_offering" {
  default = "Default VPC Offering (512MB)"

variable "network_offering" {
  default = "NAT for VPC"

variable "cidr" {
  default = ""

provider "cloudstack" {
  api_url    = var.api_url
  api_key    = var.api_key
  secret_key = var.secret_key

resource "cloudstack_ssh_keypair" "default" {
  name       = "foo1-ssh-key"
  public_key = file(var.path_to_ssh_key)

resource "cloudstack_vpc" "foo1-cluster" {
  name         = "foo1-terraform-vpc"
  cidr         = var.cidr
  vpc_offering = var.vpc_offering
  zone         = var.zone

resource "cloudstack_network_acl" "foo1-acl" {
  name   = "foo1 terraform acl"
  vpc_id = cloudstack_vpc.foo1-cluster.id

resource "cloudstack_network_acl_rule" "default" {
  acl_id = cloudstack_network_acl.foo1-acl.id

  rule {
    action       = "allow"
    cidr_list    = var.acl_items
    protocol     = "tcp"
    ports        = ["22"]
    traffic_type = "ingress"

resource "cloudstack_network" "foo1-network" {
  name             = "foo1-terraform-network"
  network_offering = var.network_offering
  zone             = var.zone
  cidr             = var.cidr
  vpc_id           = cloudstack_vpc.foo1-cluster.id
  acl_id           = cloudstack_network_acl.foo1-acl.id

resource "cloudstack_instance" "foo1-vm" {
  name             = "foo1-virtual-machine"
  service_offering = var.compute_offering
  network_id       = cloudstack_network.foo1-network.id
  template         = var.compute_template
  zone             = var.zone
  expunge          = "true"
  keypair          = "foo1-ssh-key"

resource "cloudstack_ipaddress" "foo1ipaddress" {
  vpc_id = cloudstack_vpc.foo1-cluster.id
  zone   = var.zone

resource "cloudstack_port_forward" "default" {
  ip_address_id = cloudstack_ipaddress.foo1ipaddress.id
  forward {
    protocol           = "tcp"
    private_port       = 22
    public_port        = 22
    virtual_machine_id = cloudstack_instance.foo1-vm.id

output "public_ip_foo1vm" {
  value = cloudstack_ipaddress.foo1ipaddress.ip_address

Debug Output

No debug output recognizable despite TF_LOG=trace.

Expected Behavior

Correct execution.

Actual Behavior


cloudstack_instance.foo2-vm: Creating...
cloudstack_network_acl_rule.default: Creation complete after 2s [id=2584bed0-bcd9-499e-b29a-e4729b366f9f]
Error: Error retrieving ID of template debian9.4 stretch BUILD-1946: json: cannot unmarshal object into Go struct field alias.childtemplates of type []interface {}

Steps to Reproduce

  1. terraform init
  2. terraform apply
greut commented

@1605200517 It is likely that the CloudStack you're using is older than the library this provider was generated from. childtemplates exist in the latest releases.

@greut thank you for quick feedback; please share which library do you mean in your reference. CS API in use is 4.10. Is there no backward compatibility, or is 4.10 out of its scope?

greut commented

4.10 doesn't have the childtemplates, http://cloudstack.apache.org/api/apidocs-4.10/apis/listTemplates.html

The library used by this provider does however, https://godoc.org/github.com/xanzy/go-cloudstack/cloudstack#Template as it's based on CloudStack 4.11

from end user point of view, it would be nice to have some sync at terraform init with the provider API; something like

"WARNING: this version supports provider API version starting from.. and you have..."

greut commented

@1605200517 Agreed. I see you're familiar with the problems go-cloudstack has https://github.com/xanzy/go-cloudstack/issues I'd fork it and put the omitempty flag on that value json:"childtemplates,omitempty"

We can also try to make it backwards compatible as I try to do for most changes like this. But indeed there are some sharp edges coming from both the way I build go-cloudstack (which was one of my first Go project many many years ago) and how the CloudStack API works...

Hi, if someone needs a quick workaround for this. This patch will simply remove the childtemplate code and then the provider works with 4.10 (couldn't upload a .patch file, just rename it).


I'm going to close this issue as I'm about to archive this repository. Development of this provider has been moved to the Apache Foundation. Please find the new home for this provider here: https://github.com/apache/cloudstack-terraform-provider