
add test for cycle

Closed this issue · 1 comments

While fumbling around, I stumbled upon a cycle. Now I know the codebase says "maybe remove this check because it is not possible", but it is:

class CycleStepOne:
    a = xs.variable(intent="out",global_name = "a")
    group = xs.group("b")
    def initialize(self):
        a = 5
    def run_step(self):
        self.a = np.sum(b for b in self.group)
class CycleStepTwo:
    a = xs.global_ref("a")
    b = xs.variable(intent="out",groups="b")
    def initialize(self):
        self.b = self.a
    def run_step(self):
        self.a = self.b

cyclic_model = xs.Model({


RuntimeError: Cycle detected in process graph: one->two->one

I also have a model, that sort of needs this structure.:

class dBiomass:
    """calculates biomass change based on light intensity
    eff_light = xs.variable(description='light use efficiency', default=3)
    biomass = xs.variable(intent='out',description='grown biomass',default=0)

    def initialize(self):
    def run_step(self,dt):
        ddays = dt / np.timedelta64(1,'D')
        self.intercepted_light = 1-np.exp(-0.8*self.leaf_area)
        self._d_biomass = self.eff_light*ddays*self.intercepted_light#*self.maxrad
        self._d_leaf_area = .5*self._d_biomass
    def finalize_step(self):
        self.biomass += self._d_biomass
        self.leaf_area += self._d_leaf_area

Is there a way to refactor this (to allow for different ways of calculating leaf area, while not rewriting the entire model)?
Or is this now the smallest possible process, because of the biomass->leaf_aera->intercepted_light->biomass dependency?

oops tehre is already a test