Lightweight dependency injection lib written in JavaScript.
var container = lu()
// services are singletons
.service('myService', function() {
return {
getFoo: function() {
return 'foo';
// this is how dependencies get passed in
.service('myOtherService', ['myService'], function(myService) {
return myService.getFoo() + ' bar';
// you can also define values as dependencies
.value('myVal', ' is a random value')
// factories get always called when they
// get injected.
.factory('myFactory', ['myVal'], function(myVal) {
return Math.random() + myVal;
// get a registered dependency
var myService = container.get('myService');
// run some anonymous function and pass
// dependencies in
container(['myFactory', 'myVal'], function(myFactory, myVal) {
npm install lujs
bower install lu
Copyright (c) 2014 Simon Kusterer Licensed under the MIT license.