
Customize the table selection field name

Closed this issue · 4 comments


In our existing buckets we don't have a _type field... but we usually do have a type field :)

Rather than changing / duplicating that existing field, I'm wondering if it would be possible to make that field name configurable somehow...

Any thoughts?

it should be doable, let me see how to make it customizable.

@Yann-OAF I updated the driver to v1.0.4 to support customizable table selection schema, it might not be an elegant solution but it works.

schema: it's used to identify which documents belong to this table, it can either a string to present the value of doc._type, or a column separated string defines the doc type. e.g. "schema": "mytype:Ticket" will select all documents with mytype=Ticket from the bucket.

Sounds good, many thanks! Will give it a try and report back!

I'm closing this issue, @Yann-J feel free to reopen if you have further questions.