[Feature Request] Scraper update - allow switching from SLR to VRPorn for studios on both aggregators
Opened this issue · 4 comments
With issues like #1779 and #1815 occurring due to nanny state laws, and VRPorn still working in my affected state, it would be nice if I could switch the studios that are affected to VRPorn. It feels like #1113 was trying to get to this but it hasn't happened in a way I can see, but it is possible I'm missing something. If a scraper for these aggregators is as easy as just saying "these scenes are under this category", it feels like it should be possible to just let the user add a category themselves, maybe they are a collector and have scenes from a dead studio and want to add them without having to scrape every scene one by one.
The other option here is to have a crawling functionality for the individual scene scraper. For example, a studio JVRPorn has 3 pages of results but you can't just provide hxxps://vrporn.com/studio/jvrporn/ to the single scene scraper and get all the scenes scraped, so adding all scenes from this studio would be a pain. Being able to add a scraper for JVRPorn on the VRporn aggregator would make this easier, and would eliminate the need to keep many dead studios with only a few releases as mentioned in #703.
Please don't suggest a VPN as a solution, JVRPorn isn't a listed studio scraper on either site, and this is not a request to add this studio (I will make that separately), it is merely suggesting the ease of adding a studio to the scraper list for a known aggregator.
Also relevant: #846, which adds duplicate aggregators for StripzVR and VRHush.
You can create custom sites for VRPorn/POVR/SinsVR/SLR and I think VRPHub listed studios instead of SLR manually XBVR won't care just make sure the Main site field is blank, this is used for alt scene linking. When VRPorn decides to also follow the same Age Verification scheme as SLR there really won't be any option other than to use a VPN or a Proxy.
With issues like #1779 and #1815 occurring due to nanny state laws, and VRPorn still working in my affected state, it would be nice if I could switch the studios that are affected to VRPorn. It feels like #1113 was trying to get to this
@moToroTor you are just not understanding the usage of the aggregators. Anything in vrporn or slr or povr or (can't remember the 4th offhand) can be added using the custom and alternate sites features. On my phone, so can't verify but I believe usage info is on the wiki here...
Also relevant: #846, which adds duplicate aggregators for StripzVR and VRHush.
This was done when there was an issue scraping with the native scrapers BEFORE the "custom scrapers" feature was added. Just don't enable both unless you want dupes.