
"Send text to mediacenter" menu truncates text

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Bug report

Describe the bug

As you can see below, the input field is truncated vertically.


Expected Behavior

I expect to be able to see the full input field.

Actual Behavior

See above.

Possible Fix

Reduce padding around the modal box or set minimum height on that box.

To Reproduce

Open the menu on a phone with apparently small display size (Fairphone 3, in my case).



Additional context or screenshots (if appropriate)

Your Environment

Used Operating system:

  • Mobile device: Fairphone 3
  • Android version: /e/-OS (Android 9)
  • Kodi version and platform: -
  • Kore version: 3.0.0
heini commented

It also skips digits and special characters, making it hard to enter passwords.