
[Feature request] Add compatibility with DuffYou addon

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Detailed description
Currently, kore let you to send youtube links to Kodi and then these are play by YouTube official addon. There are other addons that play YouTube contents as DuffYou. It would be ideal to add the possibility to include a selection window to choose to which addon want you to send the link, not only for the YouTube - DuffYou case, but also for other addons as Twitch or Vimeo.

I have used a lot the funcionality of send youtube links to Kodi, but for some weeks the YouTube addon has stopped working while DuffYou still play videos, but I can't send links from my smartphone.

Possible Implementation
In this website there is a description but it is in spanish. Essentially, I presume the steps to add this funcionality, at least from a backend point of view, are:

  1. Add these lines to the addon.xml file
  1. Invoke play function:

import duffyou
duffyou.play(id, title="", plot="", thumb="")

being only mandatory the 'id' argument, which is the code after the equal sign. For example, in:


The id will be:

id = MQWNuNRPU6c

Remark: In case of lists, the id will be 'list=qclWIFxq2F4'.

  1. (Not pretty sure about this) Invoke the resolver function:

import duffyou
url, title, plot, thumb = duffyou.resolver(id, title="", plot="", thumb="")

End of this issue
I don't know if DuffYou is considered a banned addon. Sorry in that case and delete this request, but the extension to send links from vimeo or twitch remains despite I have no idea how to implement it.

Also, I am still trying to solve my problem with the official YouTube addon, knowing that has nothing to do with Kore neither with my request, which is something I have had in mind for a long time.

Thanks in advance.