
Table breaking error reporter

Opened this issue · 10 comments

Some sign in the table seem to break the report we get back to travis buddy.

Here's an example:

The complete errors can be found here:

So either we fix that somehow or we get rid of the table.

mzfr commented

Currently we don't have a good output format. I think we should have a discussion on this.

About the issue: In my opinion dropping the table will make it more dirty both in the command line and while commenting via Travis-Buddy.
one thing we can try is to use some package to get a Git flavored markdown table which will be rendered neatly but that table might not look good in terminal.

One thing we can try for longer term is generating HTML file and then render it accordingly. This will be beneficial with the way it look etc etc but again this will not work with Travis-CI

Another thing I can think is, which I am not sure can be done or not, make a custom travis-CI parser for ourself. They do have an API(Travis-CI api) so maybe we can think about this.

Rechi commented

Why not try with a different (simpler) tablefmt as a start?

mzfr commented

Yes that's what I meant by git flavoured markdown table.
Tabulate have many tablefmt(pipe, grid etc) we can try that too.

To be honest, I still think tables are kinda bad for this.


  • It's not clear if a table row is INFO|WARN|PROBLEM - mostly we print the whole table with one of them, which makes our level construct really weird
  • We're now mixing styles
  • They still are hard to read and feel quiet buggy

I would like to see us try to just use the old construct without a table and just use some formatting to get a nice error message. Could still be pretty table like, but not a table at all.

#134:5 | Python3 conversion needed | 'print "test"' |> 'print("test")'

Something like that might work, just as good

mzfr commented

@razzeee is table still breaking after changing the format?

We would probably have to do a release to know for sure

Looks way better now, we should probably also color the tables and not just the first line?

mzfr commented

Can you please show the output once

mzfr commented

If we run the tool locally we can see the whole table in color but travis log doesn't show the colored table.