
unable to open Context menu in TV guide (tvheadend/Kodi 19/Shield)

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After upgrading to Kodi 19 (Nvidia Shield) I am no longer able to open the context/submenu when in the TV guide (used to "long press" the select key and it would display a menu to show information - select recording etc. I've configured KODI/PVR client to change channel on "short" pressing select).

I "think" it's trying to work as when I look at the log the following appears after a long press of the select key.

2021-03-16 21:26:06.031 T:20346 INFO : Loading skin file: DialogPVRGuideControls.xml, load type: KEEP_IN_MEMORY
2021-03-16 21:26:06.032 T:20346 ERROR : Unable to load window XML: /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/addons/skin.confluence/720p/DialogPVRGuideControls.xml. Line 0
Failed to open file

I don't know enough about it to go find the xml file myself.

Thanks a lot for reporting this.

That's a new dialog for Kodi 19 that has not yet been added to Confluence.
I'll look at adding it soon :)


Like the skin. It's fast and works well on a low spec machine. I would love to help to get the PVR/Live TV menus in there. How can I help. I know very little about Kodi skinning internals but am willing to learn.

PR's are done:


PR's are merged.

I'll PR an updated version to the Kodi repo soon.