
Seekbar information icon view error.

Closed this issue · 23 comments

(Sorry for my English.)

I circled the problem in red in the attached picture. Is there a solution to make the subtitle language icon appear properly?
There is no overscan, the picture appears fine otherwise.

System: CoreElec
Kodi: Omega (21) Official


Thank you in advance for your answer.

Looks like the introduction of the HDR flag type has meant we need to decrease the title length.

Not sure why the HDR flag isn't visible for you though - can you post the MediaInfo of that video please?

If you're working in this area @Hitcher - I recently happened to notice a little spacing issue too, between the resolution & HDR flag:


Just an eye worm but if you're in the area anyway....

I only use SDR videos, HDR flag is therefore not visible. My main problem is the invisible subtitle flag. I thought the missing part was a slip. Sorry if I was misunderstood.
This is a different movie, but it's the same phenomenon with every video.
Do you mean this as media info?

That empty space is where the HDR flag goes but if you're playing SDR videos there shouldn't even a gap there!

I understand. Is there a way to correct this in the settings or anywhere?

No, I'm just trying to figure out what's wrong.

Thank you!

Can you edit this file addons/skin.confluence/1080p/VideoFullscreen.xml using the code below to test please?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
	<defaultcontrol />
		<!-- view mode, sizing, screen resolution -->
		<control type="group" id="0">
			<animation effect="fade" time="150">VisibleChange</animation>
			<control type="image">
				<description>media info background image</description>
			<control type="label" id="10">
				<description>row 1 label</description>
				<label />
			<control type="label" id="11">
				<description>row 2 label</description>
				<label />
			<control type="label" id="12">
				<description>row 3 label</description>
				<label />
		<!-- media infos -->
		<control type="group" id="1">
			<visible>[Player.ShowInfo | Window.IsActive(VideoOSD)] + ![Window.IsVisible(OSDSubtitleSettings) | Window.IsVisible(OSDVideoSettings) | Window.IsVisible(OSDAudioSettings) | Window.IsVisible(VideoBookmarks) | Window.IsVisible(PVROSDChannels) | Window.IsVisible(PVRChannelGuide) | Window.IsVisible(SliderDialog)]</visible>
			<animation effect="fade" time="150">VisibleChange</animation>
			<control type="image" id="1">
				<texture flipy="true" border="1">HomeNowPlayingBack.png</texture>
			<control type="label" id="1">
				<description>Chapter Count Header label</description>
				<label>$INFO[Player.Chapter,$LOCALIZE[21396]: ]$INFO[Player.ChapterCount, / ]$INFO[Player.ChapterName,[COLOR=grey] - (,)[/COLOR]]</label>
				<visible>Player.ChapterCount + !VideoPlayer.Content(LiveTV)</visible>
			<control type="label" id="1">
				<description>Channel Group label</description>
				<label>$INFO[VideoPlayer.ChannelGroup,$LOCALIZE[31509]: ]</label>
			<control type="label" id="1">
				<description>Clock label</description>
				<animation effect="slide" start="0,0" end="-45,0" time="0" condition="Player.Muted">conditional</animation>
				<animation effect="slide" start="0,0" end="-105,0" time="0" condition="system.getbool(input.enablemouse) + Window.IsVisible(VideoOSD)">conditional</animation>
			<control type="image" id="1">
				<texture border="1">HomeNowPlayingBack.png</texture>
			<control type="image" id="1">
				<description>cover image</description>
				<texture fallback="DefaultVideoCover.png">$VAR[NowPlayingThumb]</texture>
				<aspectratio aligny="bottom">keep</aspectratio>
				<bordertexture infill="false" border="8">ThumbShadow.png</bordertexture>
				<visible>![VideoPlayer.Content(Movies) | VideoPlayer.Content(LiveTV)]</visible>
			<control type="image" id="1">
				<description>Movie cover image</description>
				<texture fallback="DefaultVideoCover.png">$VAR[NowPlayingThumb]</texture>
				<aspectratio aligny="bottom">keep</aspectratio>
				<bordertexture infill="false" border="8">ThumbShadow.png</bordertexture>
			<control type="image" id="1">
				<description>PIcon image</description>
				<texture fallback="DefaultVideoCover.png">$INFO[Player.Art(thumb)]</texture>
				<aspectratio aligny="center">keep</aspectratio>
			<control type="group" id="1">
				<control type="label" id="1">
					<description>Heading label</description>
					<visible>![VideoPlayer.Content(LiveTV) + [PVR.IsRecordingPlayingChannel | PVR.IsPlayingActiveRecording]]</visible>
					<animation effect="slide" start="0,0" end="0,38" time="0" condition="!VideoPlayer.Content(Movies) + !VideoPlayer.Content(Episodes) + !VideoPlayer.Content(MusicVideos) + !VideoPlayer.Content(LiveTV) + !PVR.IsPlayingRecording">conditional</animation>
				<control type="image" id="1">
					<aspectratio align="center" aligny="center">keep</aspectratio>
					<visible>VideoPlayer.Content(LiveTV) + [[PVR.IsRecordingPlayingChannel + !Player.ChannelPreviewActive] | PVR.IsPlayingActiveRecording]</visible>
				<control type="label" id="1">
					<description>Heading label</description>
					<visible>VideoPlayer.Content(LiveTV) + [[PVR.IsRecordingPlayingChannel + !Player.ChannelPreviewActive] | PVR.IsPlayingActiveRecording]</visible>
				<control type="label" id="1">
					<description>Studio label</description>
				<control type="label" id="1">
					<description>TV Show label</description>
					<label>$INFO[VideoPlayer.TVShowTitle] ($INFO[VideoPlayer.Season,,x]$INFO[VideoPlayer.Episode])</label>
				<control type="label" id="1">
					<description>Music Info label</description>
					<label>$INFO[VideoPlayer.Artist] $INFO[VideoPlayer.Album, - ]</label>
				<control type="label" id="1">
					<description>LiveTV Info label</description>
					<label>$INFO[VideoPlayer.ChannelNumberLabel,([COLOR=blue],[/COLOR]) ]$INFO[VideoPlayer.ChannelName]$INFO[VideoPlayer.EpisodeName, (,)]</label>
					<visible>VideoPlayer.Content(LiveTV) | PVR.IsPlayingRecording</visible>
				<control type="grouplist" id="1">
					<control type="label" id="1">
						<width min="15" max="720">auto</width>
					<control type="image" id="1">
						<description>Video Resolution Image</description>
						<aspectratio align="center">keep</aspectratio>
						<visible>!Player.ChannelPreviewActive + !String.IsEmpty(VideoPlayer.VideoResolution)</visible>
					<control type="image" id="1">
						<description>Codec Image</description>
						<aspectratio align="left">keep</aspectratio>
						<visible>!Player.ChannelPreviewActive + !String.IsEmpty(VideoPlayer.HdrType)</visible>
					<control type="image" id="1">
						<description>Audio Codec Image</description>
						<aspectratio align="center">keep</aspectratio>
						<visible>!Player.ChannelPreviewActive + !String.IsEmpty(VideoPlayer.AudioCodec)</visible>
					<control type="image" id="1">
						<description>Audio Channels Image</description>
						<aspectratio align="center">keep</aspectratio>
						<visible>!Player.ChannelPreviewActive + !String.IsEmpty(VideoPlayer.AudioChannels)</visible>
					<control type="group" id="1">
						<visible>!Player.ChannelPreviewActive + !String.IsEmpty(VideoPlayer.AudioLanguage)</visible>
						<control type="image" id="1">
							<description>Audio Language Image</description>
						<control type="label" id="1">
					<control type="group" id="1">
						<visible>!Player.ChannelPreviewActive + !String.IsEmpty(VideoPlayer.SubtitlesLanguage)</visible>
						<control type="image" id="1">
						<control type="label" id="1">
				<control type="label" id="1">
					<label>$LOCALIZE[31049] $INFO[Player.FinishTime]</label>
					<visible>[Player.ShowInfo | Window.IsVisible(VideoOSD)] + !VideoPlayer.Content(LiveTV)</visible>
					<animation effect="fade" time="150">VisibleChange</animation>
				<control type="label" id="1">
					<label>$INFO[VideoPlayer.NextTitle,[B]$LOCALIZE[19031]: [/B]]</label>
					<visible>!Window.IsVisible(VideoOSD) + VideoPlayer.Content(LiveTV)</visible>
					<animation effect="fade" time="150">VisibleChange</animation>
				<control type="label" id="1">
					<label>[B]$LOCALIZE[31961][/B] $INFO[PVR.TimeshiftCur] (-$INFO[PVR.TimeshiftOffset])</label>
					<visible>!Window.IsVisible(VideoOSD) + VideoPlayer.Content(LiveTV) + PVR.IsTimeShift</visible>
					<animation effect="fade" time="150">VisibleChange</animation>
			<control type="group" id="1">
				<visible>!VideoPlayer.Content(LiveTV) | [VideoPlayer.Content(LiveTV) + VideoPlayer.HasEpg]</visible>
				<control type="label" id="1">
				<control type="label" id="1">
				<control type="group" id="1">
					<control type="progress" id="1">
						<midtexture border="9,13,9,13">OSDProgressMidLight.png</midtexture>
					<control type="progress" id="1">
				<control type="group" id="1">
					<control type="progress" id="1">
						<midtexture border="9,13,9,13">OSDProgressMidLight.png</midtexture>
					<control type="progress" id="1">
				<control type="label" id="1">
				<control type="label" id="1">
				<control type="ranges" id="1">
					<texturebg border="9,13,9,13" colordiffuse="00FFFFFF">OSDProgressBack.png</texturebg>
					<righttexture border="3,8,3,5" colordiffuse="FFFFFFFF">OSDProgressNib.png</righttexture>
				<control type="ranges" id="1">
					<texturebg border="9,13,9,13" colordiffuse="00FFFFFF">OSDProgressBack.png</texturebg>
					<righttexture border="3,8,3,5" colordiffuse="FFFF0000">OSDProgressNib.png</righttexture>
				<control type="ranges" id="1">
					<description>Scene Markers</description>
					<texturebg border="9,13,9,13" colordiffuse="00FFFFFF">OSDProgressBack.png</texturebg>
					<righttexture border="3,8,3,5" colordiffuse="FF0000FF">OSDProgressNib.png</righttexture>
				<control type="ranges" id="1">
					<texturebg border="9,13,9,13" colordiffuse="00FFFFFF">OSDProgressBack.png</texturebg>
					<lefttexture border="3,8,3,5" colordiffuse="FFFFFFFF">OSDProgressNib.png</lefttexture>
					<midtexture colordiffuse="FFFF0000">colors/white.png</midtexture>
					<righttexture border="3,8,3,5" colordiffuse="FFFFFFFF">OSDProgressNib.png</righttexture>
		<control type="label" id="1">
			<description>Seek Number label</description>

You are awesome. Thank you very very much!
I have one more question. Is it possible to make it so that when the FORCED subtitle is the active subtitle, the subtitle flag to be different from the FULL subtitle flag (e.g. different color)? If not, then not. Just asking. :)
And ThankYou Again!!!

Is it possible to make it so that when the FORCED subtitle is the active subtitle, the subtitle flag to be different from the FULL subtitle flag (e.g. different color)?

There's no way for the skin to know if a subtitle is forced or not.

I still don't understand why there's a blank space for the HDR type as that shouldn't happen if VideoPlayer.HdrType is empty.

Could you please change <label>$INFO[Player.Title]</label> to <label>$INFO[VideoPlayer.HdrType]</label> and tell me what is shown instead of the title please?

There's no way for the skin to know if a subtitle is forced or not.

Oh, I understand, Thank You!

Could you please change to and tell me what is shown instead of the title please?<label>$INFO[Player.Title]</label>``<label>$INFO[VideoPlayer.HdrType]</label>

Happening this:
Instead of the file name, it just says SDR (circled in red).


Instead of the file name, it just says SDR (circled in red)

Thanks, that the info I needed. It means there's nothing wrong with the skin code but that there's something wrong with your setup.

Do you use NFO's or is everything just scraped normally?

I thank you! :)
I don't use scraper. I just open the movies as files.

I found another little bug. Not a big bug, just a small ant. :) If subtitles are turned off, the subtitle flag will still be displayed. Like it's stuck. Is there anything else you can do with this?
Thank you!

It's not a bug as it's just showing you the media info for the video.

@the-black-eagle any idea why $INFO[VideoPlayer.HdrType] is returning sdr as a label here?

It's not a bug as it's just showing you the media info for the video.

Previously, it only showed when subtitles were turned on. But I can live with it. :)

So it was:


Will add that back in for the next release.

Oh, i see. Thank you very much for everything!!! :)

Closing this now as completed.

As for your empty space where the HDR flag goes I can only assume it's CoreElec adding SDR to the VideoPlayer.HdrType label. Unless you have something creating NFO files.

No problem, just for interesting. This is the same video in CoreElec - Kodi Leia 9.2.8 Official version. No hole:


Yeah the HDR label wasn't added back then.