
Search items are still highlighted after search box content is cleared.

xinxinsg opened this issue · 2 comments

When I enter a text in the search box, all the matching text will be highlighted.
But when I clear the search box (by both enter Backspace or by clicking the X button), the highlight is still shown.

Plugin Settings Search


Please specify exactly your steps or by submitting a sample because I can't reproduce this issue.
-I created a new WPF NET Framework sample
-Used NuGet Package Manager to reference Extended.Wpf.Toolkit v4.5.0.
-Created the following XAML:
<StackPanel> <Button x:Name="myButton" Content="TEST" /> <xctk:PropertyGrid SelectedObject="{Binding ElementName=myButton}" /> </StackPanel>
-Entered "te" in the searchBox of the PropertyGrid : Many propertyItems have yellow highlights.
-Clicked the "X" button next to the searchBar of the PropertyGrid (of select all the text in the searchBox and press Backspace): No more propertyItems with yellow highlights.

Thank you for your response. I did not have a chance to test with V4.5 as I used V3.5 with a public license.