
Setting ``Wizard.CurrentPage`` in DataTrigger does not work

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I have a wizard with a page (Page1) that starts a task when the Enter event is recieved.
I want to go to the next page (Page2) automatically when the task is done.

Considering that I use the MVVM architecture for pages, I update the "Finished" property of the view model of Page1 accordingly:

public sealed class Page1ViewModel : ViewModel
    private bool _finished;

    public Page1ViewModel()
        Start = new AsyncRelayCommand(PerformTask);

    public bool Finished
        get => _finished;
            _finished = value;

    public IAsyncRelayCommand Start { get; }

    private async Task PerformTask()
        for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
            await Task.Delay(20);
        Finished = true;

I use a DataTrigger in the Wizard definition to update the current page when Finish is set to True


    <!-- Create the pages and their ViewModels -->
      <viewModel:Page1ViewModel x:Key="Page1ViewModel"/>
      <viewModel:Page2ViewModel x:Key="Page2ViewModel"/>
      <view:Page1 x:Key="Page1" DataContext="{StaticResource Page1ViewModel}"/>
      <view:Page2 x:Key="Page2" DataContext="{StaticResource Page2ViewModel}"/>

    <!-- Add the pages to the wizard -->
    <xctk:WizardPage/> <!-- Intro page -->
    <StaticResource ResourceKey="Page1"/>
    <StaticResource ResourceKey="Page2"/>
        <Style TargetType="xctk:Wizard">
                <DataTrigger Binding="{Binding Finished, Source={StaticResource Page1ViewModel}}" Value="True">
                    <Setter Property="CurrentPage" Value="{DynamicResource Page2}"/>

If I replace the CurrentPage setter with another setter, it works, so the trigger works.

{DynamicResource Page2} returns a valid page, because it works if I do it in codebehind, like this

wizard.CurrentPage = (WizardPage)wizard.Resources["Page2"];

When the CurrentPage setter is executed, nothing happens and Page1 is still displayed.


Thank you for reporting this.
This issue will be fixed in the next release : v4.6.

In the meantime, here's a fix you can implement.
Go in file : Xceed.Wpf.Toolkit/Wizard/Implementation/Wizard.cs
in method : OnItemsChanged
and replace
CurrentPage = Items[ 0 ] as WizardPage;
this.SetCurrentValue( Wizard.CurrentPageProperty, Items[ 0 ] as WizardPage );

This will not ovewrite the CurrentPage property when at startup the CurrentPage is null.