
A plotly.js React component from Plotly 📈 🏗

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A plotly.js React component from Plotly

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$ npm install react-plotly.js plotly.js

Quick start

The easiest way to use this component is to import and pass data to a plot component. To import the component,

import Plot from 'react-plotly.js'

Then to render a plot,

render () {
  return (
          type: 'scatter',
          mode: 'lines+points',
          x: [1, 2, 3],
          y: [2, 6, 3],
          marker: {color: 'red'}
          type: 'bar',
          x: [1, 2, 3],
          y: [2, 5, 3]

        width: 320,
        height: 240,
        title: 'A Fancy Plot'

You should see a plot like this:

Example plot

For a full description of Plotly chart types and attributes see the following resources:


Using this component inside a larger application may require some additional considerations in addition to the simple usage example above. The following sections detail two basic use-cases.

Build with plotly.js

plotly.js is a peer dependency of react-plotly.js. If you would like to bundle plotly.js with the rest of your project and use it in this component, you must install it separately.

$ npm install -S react-plotly.js plotly.js

Since plotly.js is a peer dependency, you do not need to require it separately to use it.

Build with Webpack

If you build your project using webpack, you'll have to follow these instructions in order to successfully bundle plotly.js.

import Plot from 'react-plotly.js'

render () {
  return <Plot 

If you are building with Webpack but do not have access to the Webpack configuration or if you don't want to configure webpack see [build with create-react-app(#build-with-create-react-app).

Build with create-react-app

In this case we want to use react-plotly.js without building plotly.js and use a version of plotly.js that is already built. Follow the instructions for building an external plotly.js.

This lets us skip the specific build configuration necessary to build plotly.js in webpack environments (create-react-app uses webpack under the hood).

With external plotly.js

If you wish to use a version of plotly.js that is not bundled with the rest of your project, whether a CDN version or through a static distribution bundle, you may skip installing plotly.js and ignore the peer dependency warning.

$ npm install -S react-plotly.js

Given perhaps a script tag that has loaded a CDN version of plotly.js,

<script src="https://cdn.plot.ly/plotly-latest.min.js"></script>

you may then inject Plotly and use the returned React component:

/* global Plotly:true */

import createPlotlyComponent from 'react-plotly.js/factory'

/* (Note that Plotly is already defined from loading plotly.js through a <script> tag) */
const Plot = createPlotlyComponent(Plotly); 

render () {
  return <Plot

Note: You must ensure Plotly is available before your React app tries to render the component. That could mean perhaps using script tag (without async or defer) or a utility like load-script.

As a standalone bundle

For quick one-off demos on CodePen or JSFiddle, you may wish to just load the component directly as a script tag. We don't host the bundle directly, so you should never rely on this to work forever or in production, but you can use a third-party service to load the factory version of the component from, for example, https://unpkg.com/react-plotly.js@latest/dist/create-plotly-component.js.

You can load the component with:

<script src="https://unpkg.com/react-plotly.js@1.0.1/dist/create-plotly-component.js"></script>

And instantiate the component with

const Plot = createPlotlyComponent(Plotly);

  React.createElement(Plot, {
    data: [{x: [1, 2, 3], y: [2, 1, 3]}]

You can see an example of this method in action here.



Prop Type Default Description
data Array [] list of trace objects
layout Object undefined layout object
config Object undefined config object
frames Array undefined list of frame objects
fit Boolean false When true, disregards layout.width and layout.height and fits to the parent div size, updating on window.resize
revision Number undefined When provided, causes the plot to update only when the revision is incremented.
debug Boolean false Assign the graph div to window.gd for debugging
onInitialized Function undefined Callback executed after plot is initialized
onUpdate Function undefined Callback executed when a plotly.js API method resolves
onError Function undefined Callback executed when a plotly.js API method rejects

Event handler props

Event handlers for plotly.js events may be attached through the following props.

Prop Type Plotly Event
onAfterExport Function plotly_afterexport
onAfterPlot Function plotly_afterplot
onAnimated Function plotly_animated
onAnimatingFrame Function plotly_animatingframe
onAnimationInterrupted Function plotly_animationinterrupted
onAutoSize Function plotly_autosize
onBeforeExport Function plotly_beforeexport
onButtonClicked Function plotly_buttonclicked
onClick Function plotly_click
onClickAnnotation Function plotly_clickannotation
onDeselect Function plotly_deselect
onDoubleClick Function plotly_doubleclick
onFramework Function plotly_framework
onHover Function plotly_hover
onRelayout Function plotly_relayout
onRestyle Function plotly_restyle
onRedraw Function plotly_redraw
onSelected Function plotly_selected
onSelecting Function plotly_selecting
onSliderChange Function plotly_sliderchange
onSliderEnd Function plotly_sliderend
onSliderStart Function plotly_sliderstart
onTransitioning Function plotly_transitioning
onTransitionInterrupted Function plotly_transitioninterrupted
onUnhover Function plotly_unhover


This component currently creates a new plot every time the input changes. That makes it stable and good enough for production use, but plotly.js will soon gain react-style support for computing and drawing changes incrementally. What does that mean for you? That means you can expect to keep using this component with little modification but that the plotting will simply happen much faster when you upgrade to the first version of plotly.js to support this feature. If this component requires any significant changes, a new major version will be released at the same time to ensure stability. See plotly/react-plotly.js#2 for more information about this feature.


To get started:

$ npm install
$ npm start

To transpile from ES2015 + JSX into the ES5 npm-distributed version:

$ npm run prepublishOnly

To run the tests:

$ npm run test


© 2017 Plotly, Inc. MIT License.