
Rest API description

Closed this issue · 2 comments


Thank for you job, it looks amazing.

I'm trying to find documentation on the API to configure the Art Mode.
I would like to send the command my self (ws://IP:8001/api/v2/).
A basic GET works, but I don't find the documentation the rest of the API.
I try to read and understand your code, but it's difficult for me.

  • Could tell me the uri and content I would need to sent to the TV for a set_artmode (as an examle).
  • Do you know where to find a documentation with all the possible commands ?

Thanks in advance.

Ok, I have analyzed with Wireshark.
I can't just send easy paquets to send some comments...

The problem is that there is no documentation. Everything is done with reverse over oficial apps and other apps.
The TV runs different apps in parallel that can answer you via http and ws. ART and remote control are different apps that samsung is updating with the tizen iterations (that's why things stop working when the version changes).