
Support for Facebook's Reason source format

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Can OCaml-Java be used with Reasons new source format at all?

Native support for Reason, plus OCaml-Java would be a compelling language shift for existing JVM developers I think.

ps: is this project still alive?

The project is still alive (although seemingly hibernating),

I did not know Reason, but it appears to be essentially
a preprocessor to OCaml. As such, OCaml-Java and
Reason can probably used together (maybe after an
update of OCaml-Java to 4.03).

Nice - from my understanding ( just watching on the side lines ) Reason doesn't current support 4.03, so it looks like there's commits/PRs there to bring that into the code base.

(I'm coming mostly from the Java side so my OCaml knowledge is very light), there were two syntaxes for OCaml - the original and a more modern flavour, both of which emit a "core language", and reason is yet another syntax that generates this core. So yes, for all intent and purpose, a pre-processor - but at much lower level in the compiler chain.

We are moving Reason to 4.04 soon. Eventually we would like to have a conversion tool which will downgrade the AST representation to any previous version of the compiler, even if Reason itself supports 4.06 version of the AST for example at parse time.

I would definitely like to see a 4.04 version of ocamljava, and @xclerc: I would love to get in touch.