
After install finished, xip still in temp directory

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/private/var/folders/hj/sbcd73xn1rv0f86qgyptbk2h0000gn/T/Xcode_12.5_Release_Candidate.xip is not deleted or moved to current directory

And why rename my default Xcode.app to Xcode 12.4.app ...

/private/var/folders/hj/sbcd73xn1rv0f86qgyptbk2h0000gn/T/Xcode_12.5_Release_Candidate.xip is not deleted or moved to current directory

Thanks for this advice. The downloaded XIP will be deleted after extraction from the next version on. This behavior can be disabled with the --disable-xip-deletionflag.

And why rename my default Xcode.app to Xcode 12.4.app ...

There was the decision to create a symlink from the newly installed Xcode to Xcode.app by default. You can disable this with the CLI flag --no-symlink.