
Migration from Xen project to XCP-ng

MushyMiddle opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi. Missing from https://github.com/xcp-ng/xcp-ng-org/edit/master/docs/migratetoxcpng.md (https://xcp-ng.org/docs/migratetoxcpng.html) is any information on how one might either migrate from Xen project (i.e. non-Citrix Xen) to XCP-ng, or add XCP-ng to an existing Xen project host, if that's even feasible. I'm assuming that I'd have to just do a clean install, but what about my existing VM disks (LVs), e.g.? I guess I can just dd them off to my NAS, but will I be able to recover them on XCP-ng? Etc.

Some of my confusion might stem from the Xen-that-isn't-Citrix terminology problem.

In my case, Xen is running on Ubuntu, so my guess is that I'm in for a complete rebuild; but happy to be proven wrong.

Here is an old (but still accurate) help on that: https://xen-orchestra.com/blog/migrate-from-xen-to-xenserver/

And you are right, we'll add it into the documentation soon, it's missing right now 👍