
An ansible playbook that deploys mapgen for XCSoar

Mapgen Server for XCSoar

Build Status

This Playbook installs xcsoar's Map generator.


  • Currently Supported Target is Debian 9
  • The machine needs an unpartitioned second disk for data storage > 25G.
  • The role installs the mapgen server under /opt/mapgen


  1. Setup Debian 9 Machine
  2. Add second disk to installed machine
  3. Install python minimal on target machine
  • 'apt install python-minimal'
  1. Install ansible on your machine
  2. checkout this git repo
  3. edit group_vars/all
  • Set mount point
  • Set vg-name
  • Set second disk device
  1. edit the hosts file and replace mapgen.xcsoar.org with your fqdn or ip address
  2. Apply this playbook to the target machine:
  • ansible-playbook -i hosts site.yml -l mapgen -b --become-method su --ask-su-pass $YOURHOST
  1. You should now be able to visit the website under http://yourmachine/ and start to submitt requests.

Vagrant Testing:

  1. install vagrant
  2. install vagrant-sshfs
  3. vagrant up in this directory