
Upgrade pandas dependency to current version

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The latest version of xcube 1.4.0. constrains for its environment the pandas version to pandas >=1.3,<2. The latest version of pandas is, however, 2.2.1. As a consequence, an installation into a typical, up-to-date Python data science environment leads to a downgrade of one of its core packages to an outdated major version. Such downgrade may cause source code developed with pandas >2.0 to fail, which is likely unacceptable for most use cases and thus prevent the usage of xcube altogether.

To avoid the above-described downgrade, xcube source code should be adapted to run also with pandas >2.0. There is no alternative solution as compatibility with the latest pandas version is of critical importance for the user uptake of xcube.

This feature is requested by a user who want wants to use xcube in the Jupyter Hub of the Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem (CDSE, https://documentation.dataspace.copernicus.eu/Applications/JupyterHub.html) where pandas is currently installed in version 2.1.4.