
Cannot build levels from SST example dataset

Opened this issue · 1 comments

I followed the SST example in the docs to generate a datacube and tried to generate levels for this data cube.
This fails with a very generic looking cannot determine data type for data resource error.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Generate datacube from the examples data following the docs https://xcube.readthedocs.io/en/latest/examples/xcube_gen.html
  2. Run xcube level on the resulting zarr dataset
  3. See error

Expected behavior
I expected to get levels folders inside of the .zarr folder. For the .nc files I can generate a .levels folder.


$ xcube level test/data/demo_SST_xcube.zarr/
ERROR: Internal error: Cannot determine data type for  data resource 'test/data/demo_SST_xcube.zarr/'
$ xcube --version
xcube, version 1.5.1

Additional context
I am trying to understand how xcube saves the multiscale levels so that I can follow this in the PyramidScheme.jl package so that we can read and write data in Julia that is compatible with xcube. Is there an example xcube data cube with levels available somewhere?

Hi Felix,

Sorry, I currently don't have the time to investigate further. But you could, instead of using the xcube level CLI, try the following to create the levels file:

from xcube.core.store import new_data_store

store = new_data_store("file", root="<your-folder>")
ds = store.open_data("<your-dataset>.zarr")
store.write_data(ds, "<your-mldataset>.levels")

For details, please refer to examples/notebooks/datastores/5_multi_level_datasets.ipynb.