
Make coveralls api integration an optional feature

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Today there is no way to disable the coveralls integration when compiling tarpaulin.

This features is the only reason that openssl needs to be brought in. Openssl is one of the main pain points when attempting to compile cargo tarpaulin.

For some reason even with the vendored-openssl feature enabled, tarpaulin still relies on a dynamically linked openssl1.1 when building in a docker container. Being able to disable the coverall API integration which we do not need would make this problem go away.

I've just pushed out a potential fix for this, if you have some time to test it to make sure it works for your use case #1583

And I think the vendored openssl feature thing might be because of libgit? I know that's one of the users of openssl in the dependency tree

Ah never mind I did my cargo check without excluding the feature 🤦 still some stuff to change

okay that should work now for you 🙏

Release pipeline has been initiated so provided it all goes smoothly there should be a new version in under an hour with the ability to remove coveralls from the install