
Simple scroll based text reveal animation library.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Simple scroll based text reveal animation library.

maintained - yes contributions - welcome Made with JavaScript


Getting Started

Using packge manager


Install textify using npm:

npm install textify.js


Install textify using yarn

yarn add textify.js

Using CDN:

<link src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/textify.js/dist/Textify.min.css" rel="stylesheet"/>

<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/textify.js/dist/Textify.min.js"></script>

ES6 module

<script type="module">
    import textifyJs from 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/textify.js/+esm';

    const { Textify } = textifyJs;

    new Textify();


Import Textify.js:

import Textify from "textify.js";

Link Textify.min.css to document:

<link src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/textify.js/dist/Textify.min.css" rel="stylesheet"/>

Add data-textify attribute to your paragraph or an element that contain text.

<p data-textify>Some cool text.😎😎</p>

Initialize textify to see magic.

new Textify()

By default textify use default configurations for text animations. You can pass an configuration object during initialization to tweak it.

Configuration options

Option Default value Description
duration 1450 Duration of text animation in ms
stagger 100 Delay between animation of two lines. Value between 0 to 500 ms
fade false For fade animation.
fadeDuration 1000 Duration of fade animation in ms
top false Text reveal direction. Default is bottom to top
reveal true Text reveal animation
once true Whether animation should happen only once - while scrolling down
rotation 0 Add rotation on word in animation
scale 1 Add scaling on word in animation
easing Default Set easing function for animation
fadeEasing Default fade animation ease value
selector data-textify css selector for selecting elements from DOM
threshold 0.5 Threshold of the text animation
transformOrigin center center transform origin of animation's elements


Textify.js have a plugin system. You can use it separate the code and make it more readable. You can use it to create custom animations of texts. currently, Textify.js have only 1 plugin. TextifyTitle plugin. we will add more plugins in the future.


TextifyTitle plugin is used to create a title animation. it's a simple plugin. you can use it to create cool title animations. this plugin is used only for the title elements like H1, H2, H3, H4, H5 & H6. this plugin have same methods like Textify object. you can use them to control the animation. all methods are chainable. like show(), hide() & onRefresh().

   <h1 data-textify-title>
       Hello World!!!

       new TextifyTitle();


Check main documentation of Textify.js here:


Textify object and it's all plugins have same methods.

  • show - Reveal animation.
  • hide - Hide animation.
  • onRefresh - Re-calulate all texts position and offset (call on DOM changes and resize event)


const textObj = new Textify();

// reveal all animations of textObj

// hide all animations of textObj

// Re-calulate all texts position and offset

Easing functions

  • easeInOut
  • easeOut
  • easeIn
  • ease
  • sharp
  • linear
  • back
  • backIn
  • backOut
  • backInOut
  • elasticIn
  • elasticOut
  • elasticInOut
  • bounceIn
  • bounceOut
  • bounceInOut
  • circIn
  • circOut
  • circInOut

Who's using Textify.js?


Released under MIT by @MAGGIx1404.