
Created AP not visible

risogolo opened this issue · 5 comments

Trying on Kali linux on RPI3, 2 wireless adapter option, seems to be like AP is not created or something, still not visible in available networks from different computer


The rpi version is for Raspbian on a Raspberry Pi, not for Kali.
Please try the main version which is made for Kali. (not sure if that works but there is no script yet specifically for Raspberry Pi Kali)

To be more specific, I ran Kali version of script on Kali linux for RPI 3, everything seems to be fine, but it looks like AP is not created or something, can you please provide script also for Kali linux for RPI. thx

it also does not work on the latest version of rasbian (sane behavior like on kali for rpi), on what version of raspbian is it supposed to work?

so It works on kali for rpi, I just did not have wifi adapter supporting ap mode, my bad...
you can close it, it works now with new adapter

Ah okey, yes, if your adapter can't support AP mode its unfortunately not going to work.

But happy to hear that its all good with the new card!