
Required validation and error indicator do not work

kevinkendzia opened this issue · 1 comments

If you bind a ChipComboBox with a Binder like follows, the asRequired()-check is ignored.
Presumably because an empty set is not recognized as "no value set"?
this.binder .forField(chipCombobox) .asRequired("Can't be null!") .bind(getter, setter);

Also if you use a custom, working required-validator, the ChipComboBox doesn't show any error (doesn't show red background nor message):
this.binder .forField(chipCombobox) .asRequired(new CollectionNotEmptyValidator<>("Can't be null!")) .bind(getter, setter);

To fix this, ChipComboBox should properly implement the Vaadin-interface com.vaadin.flow.component.HasValidation.

Works with Version 2.2.1