
When authenticating requests to the Twitter API v2 endpoints, you must use keys and tokens from a Twitter developer App that is attached to a Project.

Opened this issue · 11 comments

Describe the bug
This error shows when using a new created dev account with either the default project and app or new project and app with the free plan.

A lot is reporting the same errors here
#58 (comment)

+1 Same issue

Same issue. New account, app is attached to a project.

same here even app is attached to a project. No issue on create tweet endpoint

Same! new account/project same issue :[

Same!Has anyone tested paid use?

Same issue here

If you are using an old twitter api before projects existed you need to create a project and associate it with the existing old app before it will work under the new settings.

Abe410 commented

If you are using an old twitter api before projects existed you need to create a project and associate it with the existing old app before it will work under the new settings.

Could you repeat that?

Not sure I understand what you mean.

I had an app within a project using V2 which was working fine until the whole plan change thing.

I now have the basic $100 access, but still get the same error when I access the search tweets endpoint.

It appears twitter has locked this behind Pro. I have tested Basic and it does not work. Can someone confirm if this works with Pro?

elux commented