
Tweet.create Error occurred in sandbox env

Closed this issue · 3 comments

!!!work fine in product env
i am trying to create tweet use sdk Tweet.create in sandbox env but Error occurred:


client.sandbox = True

# load up the account instance, campaign and line item
account = client.accounts(ACCOUNT_ID)

# create request for a simple nullcasted tweet
tweet1 = Tweet.create(account, text='There can be only one...')

err log bellow:

	'errors': [{
		'message': 'Method POST not allowed.'
	'request': {
		'params': {}

Unfortunately, you can't create a tweet using the sandbox environment at the moment. We found a bug and disabled this functionality for the sandbox. We have a plan to fix it but I don't know ETA for this.

Closing this ticket for now as I gave my answer above. Please reopen this if you have any other questions regarding this. Thanks

Hi, any update on the ETA and general plans to provide support for the sandbox environment?

Is there a list of supported / unsupported API endpoints for the sandbox environment?

A working sandbox environment would be very helpful for automated testing and development.