
AttributeError: 'PromotedTweet' object has no attribute '__name__'

Opened this issue · 2 comments

keame commented

File "E:\workspace\twitter_server\app\service\ad_promoted_tweets_service.py", line 32, in create_ad_promoted_tweet
File "C:\Users\keame\Envs\twitter_server\lib\site-packages\twitter_ads\utils.py", line 97, in wrapper
method = "{}.{}".format(str(args[0].name), str(decorated.name))
AttributeError: 'PromotedTweet' object has no attribute 'name'

Hey @keame - can you please describe the issue along with steps to reproduce?

keame commented

@tushdante think you!The reason for this problem is that the save() method is deprecated.

@Deprecated('This method has been deprecated and will no longer be available '
            'in the next major version update. Please use PromotedTweet.attach() '
            'method instead.')
def save(self):