
Request reached rate limit - resumes in negative seconds

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Hi, for some reason, recently, when I reach the request rate limit, I see messages that tell me it will resume in negative seconds. I haven't changed my code at all, and it used to work fine previously, so I'm not sure what's changed. Appreciate any help anyone can provide. Thanks!


Request reached Rate Limit: resume in -830 seconds
sleep length must be non-negative

The options I'm using:

            "handle_rate_limit": True,
            "retry_max": 3,
            "retry_delay": 10000,  
            "retry_on_status": [404, 500, 503],
            "retry_on_timeouts": True,
            "timeout": (1.0, 8.0),

Thanks, @smaeda-ks! That's likely the issue.