
Implement Batch API Support

brndnblck opened this issue · 7 comments

Changes Needed:

  • Implement TwitterAds::Campaign#batch method
  • Implement TwitterAds::LineItem#batch method
  • Implement TwitterAds::TargetingCriteria#batch method
  • Ensure Error Support
  • Test Coverage
  • Documentation

Related documentation:

Any ideas why was this cancelled?

@brandonblack anyone working on this?

@brandonblack shouldn't this method be in the Account level? Since we are attempting to create a batch operation of campaigns and line_items at the account level.

In that sense, we would write all the tests in the account_spec.rb. Does that make sense? Any guidance would be helpful!

@brandonblack any thoughts on the above questions? Guidance would be helpful.

There is unfortunately no active development happening on this, but if you're interested in helping build it let me know.

@brandonblack I am interested, already started putting some thoughts together in these commits:

Just had this question:

  • Shouldn't the batch method be in the Account level? Since we are attempting to create a batch operation of campaigns and line_items at the account level.

Closing this out - @msbukkuri please check this out and open up new Issues if you have any comments or problems (definitely would appreciate help banging against it and making sure it's solid)