
Error loading module requirements: unknown revision b257d8ace4e0

leevlad opened this issue · 1 comments

Building a project that uses the following version of Stellar Go SDK (and probably many others before it) fails due to unknown revision: https://github.com/stellar/go/blob/f7c9e85f25a8e998eca1e046121a229de412d9ff/go.sum#L244

go: github.com/xdrpp/stc@v0.0.0-20191113232203-b257d8ace4e0: unknown revision b257d8ace4e0

As you can see from the above modfile, it freezes github.com/xdrpp/stc at commit b257d8ace4e0. However, it appears this commit no longer exists in this repo?

Was the entire repository force-pushed over with new commit history?

Is there a way to get access to commit b257d8ace4e0 so I can diff it against the current head?

This issue should be resolvable now that there is an actual numbered release of stc. If you are still experiencing the issue, please raise the issue in the stellar go repository.